Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Culprits

Here's some food for thought. Ever go to the grocery store just to find that its over crowded and there appears to be nothing on the shelf left to get. And then just when you thought the misery is over you have to go in the dreaded line up which seems so long that there doesn't seem to be any line at all just sea of shoppers and carts. So obviously its the cashiers fault you think, they are always to be blamed for the line ups. NO that is wrong! It is the customers to be blamed. It is the customers who realize they have overspent and then decide to make the cashier void off half their grocery list. It is the customers who then realize that they don't have their wallets with them - that they have either left it in the car or at home. It is the customers who the gradually take out their wallets and give the exact change - taking half and hour just to find that one penny or nickle just so their wallets "can be a little lighter."

So next time you're in a dreaded line up think twice before you blame the cashier. Observe your surroundings. Look at your fellow shoppers and see what they are up. More often then not the culprits of your anger and frustration lie in the hands of your fellow shoppers not the cashiers or the company at which you chose to do your shopping.

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